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SHOWWX+ Pico Projector untuk Perangkat iOS seperti iPhone, iPod dan iPad dari Microvision

Minggu, 06 Februari 2011.

Microvision telah mengumumkan pico proyektor laser baru yang kompatibel dengan perangkat iOS seperti Apple iPhone , iPod touch dan iPad. Perangkat proyektor pico SHOWWX + bisa menampilkan gambar berukuran antara 12 dan 100 inci, meskipun resolusi hanya 848×480px. Perangkat ini merupakan generasi kedua dan memiliki kecerahan 15 lumens serta rasio kontras 5,000:1.

Baterai proyektor  dikatakan memiliki ketahanan selama dua jam. Pico Proyektor SHOWWX+ ini resmi mendukung 4 iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, iPod nano dan iPod classic dengan kabel multimedia yang disertakan, serta notebook, kamera, portable DVD player dan perangkat lain yang dapat menggunakan konektor VGA. Harga Pico Projector SHOWWX + adalah $ 450 atau 4 jutaan rupiah. 


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Anonim mengatakan...

ImageAMMO is an app on the new MicroVision – Android Mini-Tablet with built in laser projector. Just show your photos with the device for a stunning presentation tool.
Please visit our site at … also works in a neat way with the MicroVision SHOWWX+
ImageAMMO presents your images to the world in a unique, dramatic, and interactive way. View your whole collection of photos all in one simple to use app. Use it as an inventive sales or education tool, product image display, or amazing slideshow. Rediscover your pictures; it doesn’t get easier than this! Using your existing photo library, ImageAMMO will generate and animate 3-D shapes. You can interact with the display naturally by simply touching your screen. Tap a picture to bring it forward for a closer look. Touch and drag to spin the shape. Use 2 fingers to flick left or right through batches of pictures. Just launch and amaze. Your device turns into a controller for the show allowing you to quickly and easily respond to questions and feedback from your audience.
• 15 Dynamic 3-D shapes that adjust and move with your content.
• Easy to use. Just touch the album, touch a shape, and explore.
• Works with your existing photo library.
• Customizable for your needs. Check your device’s Settings app for configuration options.
• Exceptional quality. Touch an image to bring it forward, and view in higher detail.
• A stunning presentation tool.
• Check your device’s Settings app. The ImageAMMO provides an easy way to configure the app just the way you like it.
• Indicator showing how many groups your current album has been divided into. You can advance or go back.
• Take some pictures the device’s camera roll will become available to you within ImageAMMO if it has pictures in it. No need to sync.
ImageAMMO for iOS DEVICES (iPad iPhone iPod Touch)
ImageAMMO software is also available for Mac and Windows-based computers.

iqbal wahyu mengatakan...

ane GAK ngerti bahasa ape tu LETNAN. :D

maav ya LETNAN. tapi terimakasih udah berkunjung di BLOG ane

PIK Remaja Al-Hikmah mengatakan...

Wah kerend, semakin canggih ya perkembangan teknologi jaman sekarang

iqbal wahyu mengatakan...


ane berdoa semoga indonesia bakal bisa menjadi salah satu negara yang memiliki suatu teknologi yang tidak di miliki oleh bangsa lain

mari penerus bangsa. maju bersama para LETNAN kita

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